Introducing Mary Lynn Reale!

Hi friends, colleagues, and blog readers!

I know I've been a little MIA. But, I want to assure you it was for a good reason! On Friday, June 14th, I delivered my sweet second daughter, Mary Lynn! She weighed a whopping 6 lbs 10 oz, and is absolutely perfect! I delivered her via Caesarean, and I plan to write about that, and particularly about recovering from a Caesarean in a future post (or probably series of posts!). That being said, I am still very much so recovering myself!

I have some interesting posts in the works, and exciting new ideas for this blog and for learning that I hope to role out in the next few months! In the mean time, I am going to go enjoy some sweet baby snuggles!




BIG NEWS: I’m opening my own practice!!!


Local to Atlanta? Come hang out with me and chat pelvic health at these upcoming events!