An Update

Hello my friends, colleagues and blog readers! I know what you're thinking... a post from Jessica? We haven't heard from you in ages. And you're right, you haven't. And I'm sorry. There have been quite a few things going on, and I wanted to fill you in so you would understand why I've been a little MIA.

As most of you know, I am currently pregnant, expecting an adorable, sweet baby girl in October! My pregnancy has been wonderful overall, and it has been incredible to be on the "other side" of learning about pregnancy. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, I began experiencing regular contractions, which ultimately resulted in a short hospital stay, and being placed on modified bedrest. (Now I know what you're thinking... isn't bedrest really bad and no longer recommended? It's modified...meaning, I can move around, etc...but they don't really want me working as high levels of activity are causing me to contract more, and my little girl needs to cook for a bit longer). This all happened the same exact day I was supposed to give my live webinar on pregnancy (Ha!). Thankfully, Andrew and Karl with Therapy Network Seminars were very understanding, and we canceled the webinar, ultimately rescheduling for next Wednesday, September 14th! So, if you missed it the first time, there is still time to sign up! And I would love to have you on the webinar!

So, back to my current situation... the initial plan was to keep me at home for a few weeks, allow the contractions to slow down, then return to work. Well, unfortunately, my little daughter has other plans for us. So, long story short, I will be out of the clinic until after my daughter is born to give her the best opportunity to grow and develop safely. I do plan to write a few more blogs for you between now and her arrival, but honestly, haven't been too motivated to do so over the previous few weeks (I think my little mommy nesting brain was so focused on making sure everything was ready for her, should she arrive earlier than we expected!).

My husband and I truly appreciate all of the love, support, meals and prayers that we have received over this time! We are grateful that our sweet daughter is staying put for now, and seems to be healthy, happy and content (I like to think she is completely oblivious to what is happening in the uterus around her!). For those current and prospective patients, I will be scheduling patients again in early January. I plan to keep this information updated on my contact page.

Thank you for your understanding and support! I look forward to continuing this learning and growing journey with you in the future!

~ Jessica


I'm back! And I have a really really cute baby!


Upcoming Webinar (RESCHEDULED): Management of Musculoskeletal Pain During Pregnancy